Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pondering Light?

Thanks to Brenda for hosting Pondering.  This weeks theme is:

Light or Lite

It was a dark and twisty road when all of a sudden the headlights came towards me...
The moment seemed to slow to a stop as my head felt light as I tried to get my bearings.
I tried to move but the wreckage around me was not light...
The medics then arrive and shone their flashlight at me.
It was then that my body all of a sudden felt free and lite.
The burdens of life swept away in a wash of light.
I looked around and saw that streetlights below.
Panic should have arisen but a calming light was calling to me.
It was as if the porch light was on to welcome me home.
As I headed towards the light I realized that I was indeed...
Going to meet the light of the world.

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