if you ask me next week it will be The Avengers. The last movie I saw was Mission Impossible IV: Ghost Protocol.

2. Do you have any idiosyncrasies?
I am a walking idiosyncrasy.
My biggest one however is that I dislike being touched by non-immediate family. I do not like shaking hands nor do I enjoying hugging or worst of all kissing on the cheeks. I am actually quite affectionate with my kids and sometimes Heather but anyone else - I am like 'this is your personal space, this is mine'
My more fun one is that I need to perfectly line all items on the conveyor belt at the grocery store by food item and linkage between food items. I also know the price of everything in the cart within about 10 cents. I get angry at myself if I am more than that off. I could have played Super Market Sweep well.
3. What is your favorite clothing store to shop at?
I have one? I guess for the purposes of this meme - I do the majority of my clothing shopping at Men's Warehouse.
4. What fun things do you have planned for the week ahead?
I have exams coming in on Tuesday - so does grading a ton count? There is very little that is going to be fun happening this week. I can live with that though since the week after starts my sabbatical.
Now my questions for you -
How many days a week do you blog? Do you ever look at your visitation stats? If so, which ones do you pay most attention to?