First, Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun

1. There never seems to be a lack of greed in the world.
2. I love to have time to read to book cover to cover
3. I could make a mountain outta a mole hill - but I won't
4. The last time I slept until 7:00 AM, I did a happy dance.
- Heather and I were talking about me writing more on her blog - I would write some reviews, participate in some of the hops for her as well as writing general content. What do you all think of the idea?
- On a related note: This would mean I would do a little less with Touristic. Does this matter to anyone?
- After a marathon 18 hour drive - we have finally arrived in Toronto. It was grueling but the overnight drive is worth it. It has been a long time since I have seen the sun set, stayed up all night and saw the sun rise again. I am actually feeling a little young for being able to do so.
- On a related note: A special thanks to 5 Hour Energy and Red Bull. We could not have made it without you.
- The kids were shy for about two milliseconds. Then they were off playing with their Papa.
- On a related note: Erik is not used to busy city streets. It is already a workout convincing him that he just can not run into the street.
- The weather is beautiful in Toronto. Feels nice not to have 90%+ humidity even if it is just for a day or two.
- On a related note: I am thinking of taking the kids camping next week but upon arrival we saw the gas prices. Really over $5.00 a gallon for gas? It is going to take over $100 to fill our tank. Considering we paid $3.03 a gallon leaving Charleston, the sticker shock is killer.
- Last weekend we took a mini-vacation to Atlanta. On Wednesday, I posted pictures from the Atlanta Zoo. I will be posting pictures from the Georgia Aquarium on Sunday. The third place we visited in Atlanta was the Coke Museum. Just so it doesn't feel left out, here are a couple pictures from it...
- On a related note: I got to add a new Coke T Shirt to my collection. I added a shirt from Egypt. It is ice cold cool - a nice pun if you ask me.
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