Saturday, April 14, 2012

He Said/She Said

Each Saturday both Heather and I post the following week's question and our own answers (with mine being the correct one of course) on both of our blogs - we'll also open up a linky so that you can add your own posts! If you and your spouse both blog you can put up your answers on each blog, or if you are the only prolific writer in your family you can ask your SO their opinion and write their answer down for them (word for word of course). You are also welcome to hook up a He Said/He Said or a She Said/She Said - whatever works for you!

The question to discuss this week was:

How do you divide up your household chores? What is the one chore you always do and what is one your spouse always does?

My Response:
Heather has a great many traits.  She is a tremendous never stay at home mom and blogger but that comes with price.  Her never stay at home philosophy leads to a messy house.  No one will confuse my love with a domestic goddess.  Combine that with my work schedule and three kids and our house could be eligible for disaster relief at any time. 

In our house Heather’s primary role is anything to do with the kitchen (cooking and cleaning) and the laundry.   The rest of the house and chores home sort of fall into my lap though Heather and Robyn do help when guests are coming and we need to do a mega-clean.  The cleanliness issue is perhaps the most contentious in our household and it should be interesting with me on sabbatical to see if the state of the housing change with me a home more.  

Read Heather's Response here

Next week's question is:

Do you and your spouse agree politically?  Do you talk politics at home?

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