Sunday, June 12, 2011

Blue Jay game complaint

Yesterday, I took Liam to the Blue Jays game. Their promotion was as a Jr Jays day with kiddie tickets being half price; As I knew Liam would only last six or seven innings and knowing there would be a large number of families in the building, I thought it was the perfect day to introduce him to the Blue Jays. I forgot however, they were playing Boston which meant it would be a large crowd.

So I decided two get two tickets in the no alcohol section thinking it would be less popular and a little more quiet for my noise sensitive child. We got to the ticket booth and I explained to the lady that I needed aisle seats as I had a special needs child and that he would consistently need to leave and come back. So what do I get? Two tickets right in the middle of a row. By the third inning, our row was completely full leaving my child feeling very uncomfortable. So we went to ask an attendant if we could move seats. I really wanted to move into 'worse' seats. I explained to the attendant the problem and the bored face basically recited policy to me and told me I was out of luck. I guess I could have just moved without asking and no one would have said anything but I was hoping my hometown team would be accommodating to my special needs child.

So I basically spent another inning of trying to get Liam not to kick the guy in front of me (his feet couldn't touch the ground in the seat) and him 'dancing' trying to get the sense of space. So we left. In total Liam had a lot more fun riding the TTC then going to the game. I could have just spent the $7.50 on the TTC instead of the $25 on nose bleed tickets and $13 for over cooked fries and a Coke. I can honestly say that I have an even deeper appreciation for the Charleston Riverdogs. I know they will always provide my family with good valued for money.


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