10. My new found love of bow ties. They work for me. I just wish they were easier to actually tie - if you do not believe me check out this almost ten minute YouTube instructional video.
9. My love for my students. They are the best and I have a deep respect for them. As a result, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to do as much as I can to give them the best possible educational experience I can. It is more than a job for me - it is a calling and that will not change.
8. There are those that are being exploited and do not have the power to raise their voice in protest. The world needs people willing to voice their opinions on what is right and
fight the good fight. I will continue to be willing to do so.
7. I started blogging to share my message of hope and civility. I will continue to do that in this space.
6. I love my parents and am thankful for the sacrifices they made in their lives to make mine and my children's lives better. I am thankful to them and will continue to be so.
5. The path to happiness is through growth and development. Happiness comes from making positive contributions to the greater world around them as a result. I pledge to try to keep doing so.
4. I watch a TedTalk everyday. I love learning information from across all kinds of areas of study. ONe of my favorites lately was this one...

1. I will be true to myself, be honest about my strengths and faults. I will try to become a better human being.

Cool Commercial Jingles
Which one do you think is better the classic...
Dr. Pepper, "I'm A Pepper"
or Coke teaching the world to sing...
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